It's a very good tune and has some nice voice clips to it, I think those really work well with everything here, sounds good in that sense, not too keen on the overall opening of this though, it seems to build up a little slow for my liking. The main body of this is very good to hear, although somewhat sameish through parts it doesn't sound too repetitive.
The transition to other beats is really good to, some of the effects I think are really good here, they sound very good such as around three minutes in, that's one of my favourite parts about this, the way you fit the voice clips into that was good too, nice work there.
I think the slowing down part around the four minute part was pretty intresting, then starting to build up into something more, that was pretty good in my view. So much in the track, it's kind of hard to remember how it started the further you get through it. Which in a way is very good, each segment of this seems to have it's own start and ending yet all fit together very well.
Overall I have to say this is really very good, although I wasn't too fond on the very start of this, I really started to like the rest of this, so that really made up for it to me. You had a very good ending to this as well, which was nice to hear, good job overall.