Pretty Cool
It sounds to be very slow at the start to me, then seems to build up but still keeping with a fairly slow back beat to it, so that's pretty good. But the main part is very fast paced and seems to work. With the title in mind, I have to say it kind of gives me the image of someone with heart failture then a part where someones trying to get it beating again and one part almost sounds like sirens, so that's good for imagination, not sure if you actually implied that, lol.
The ending almost sounds like the died, kind of a sad ending, but still kind of worked. Don't often hear something that can tell a story the same way this one did, so that's very good to hear. I'll give you one extra star for that. Not sure what you can add, I suppose you could make it longer, but as it is, it sounds pretty good to me. Nice work.
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