I have started a collab in the Flash for to parody the new "I'm a PC" adverts, not the ones that are by Apple, the Microsoft ones. If you haven't seen the adverts, here is one of them.
/* */
The topic for the collab can be found here so if you are intrested, feel free to join and make something for it. This is the first collab I have started on Newgrounds so I hope it goes well ;)
Collab Organisers:
1) Little-Rena
2) fish1892
3) Elfman-Rox
Parts Revcived:
1) fish1892 1 Part
2) Cheesio 1 Part
3) Little-Rena 1 Part
4) Elfman-Rox 1 Part
If anyone wants to do the menu and/or preloader, let me know otherwise I'll be doing it.
Thanks for reading :)
I might join, as long as the deadline isn't close. Currently, I'm actionscripting a game for a reading project about some book that nobody gives a rat's ass about, and I have until Tuesday to finish it...
Okay, well the collab will still be running at that point.